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Discussion to Streamline the NHRDC Activities.

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Validation Workshop on National Human Resources Development (NHRD) Policy for a Sustainable Future conducted by NHRDC

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In alignment with the directives from the Sectoral Oversight Committee on an Open and Accountable Government of the Parliament of Sri Lanka, the National Human Resources Development Council (NHRDC) successfully organized a validation workshop on 15th August 2024. This workshop marked a significant step towards expediting the development of the National Human Resources Development (NHRD) Policy, aimed at ensuring a sustainable future for the nation. The workshop, held at Sankathani Hall, Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration (SLIDA), brought together key stakeholders, experts, and sectoral representatives to validate the draft NHRD Policy. This draft policy has been meticulously developed by the NHRDC through a series of preliminary studies and stakeholder consultations. Mr. Thusitha Wanigasinghe, Chairman of NHRDC, chaired the event, which was attended by approximately 80 participants from various sectors. The gathering provided a valuable platform for presenting the draft policy and gathering contributions to enhance its effectiveness. Dr. Chandra Embuldeniya, Team Lead for the policy preparation, presented the draft NHRD Policy to the participants. During the workshop, it was agreed to establish committees for each policy pillar as the next phase of this initiative, ensuring the policy's continuous improvement and relevance. Governing Council Members who attended the workshop included: Mr. W.W.P. Yasaratne, Secretary, Ministry of Public Administration, Home Affairs, Provincial Councils & Local Government Mrs. Thilaka Jayasinghe, Secretary, Ministry of Education Mr. Shantha Weerasinghe, Secretary, Ministry of Industries Dr. Dharmasri Kumaratunga, Secretary, Ministry of Technology Mr. Kanapathipillai Mahesan, Secretary, Ministry of Sports & Youth Prof. Sampath Amaratunge, Chairman, University Grants Commission Mrs. Padmini Ranawaka, Chairperson, National Education Commission Dr. K.A. Lalithadheera, Director General, Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission Ms. H.L.J.K Amarasekara, Deputy Director, Department of National Budget, Ministry of Finance The event also saw the participation of Mr. Nihal Ranasinghe, Ministry of Justice (former Secretary to the Ministry of Education), and Mr. K.A. Thilakarathna, Consultant for the Sectoral Oversight Committee on an Open and Accountable Government of the Parliament of Sri Lanka, who provided valuable insights during the discussions. The workshop was a crucial milestone in the journey towards the finalization and implementation of the NHRD Policy, setting the stage for a more sustainable and well-planned future for Sri Lanka.

Validation Meeting on Research into Labour Market Trends in Sri Lanka’s Hotel and Tourism Sector – 2024


The National Human Resources Development Council (NHRDC) successfully conducted a validation meeting to review the findings of the Survey of Labour Market Trends in Sri Lanka – 2024, with a special focus on the hotel and tourism sector. The research was presented by Mr. Sampath Bandara, Research Officer at NHRDC, and the session was chaired by Mr. Thusitha P. Wanigasinghe, Chairman of NHRDC.

The primary objective of the study was to analyze current labour market trends in Sri Lanka, particularly in the hotel and tourism sector. Additionally, it aimed to assess the factors contributing to labour shortages and workforce migration, explore potential strategies to bridge the gap between labour supply and demand, and identify the most in-demand job opportunities. A key outcome of this project is to provide policy recommendations for enhancing the capacity of Sri Lanka’s workforce and retaining skilled labour within the country.

The validation meeting was held on Monday, 27th January 2024, at the NHRDC Boardroom and was conducted in a hybrid format, both in-person and virtually via Zoom.

Key Attendees Included:

  1. Director General, Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka
  2. Director, Planning, Research, and Development, Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka
  3. Director (Training), Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka
  4. Training Officer, Hotel Sector, Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka
  5. Dr. Priyadarshani Premarathne, Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology, University of Peradeniya
  6. Dr. Harsha Jayasinghe, General Manager, Pandanus Beach Resort & SPA, Yalagama, Induruwa
  7. Mr. Dilip De Silva, CEO, International Hotel Management Academy, Colombo 07
  8. Board Secretary and three Research Officers, NHRDC

The discussions focused on validating the study’s findings and identifying strategies to address the highlighted challenges. The valuable insights and recommendations provided by the attendees are expected to enhance the overall effectiveness of the labour market in Sri Lanka’s hotel and tourism sector.

NHRDC reaffirmed its commitment to collaborating with stakeholders to improve both the quality and quantity of the future labour force in this sector by implementing strengthened policy recommendations.

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About Us PNG Isolated File

   The National Human Resources Development Council of Sri Lanka is an institution established to perform an important role of work under the Ministry of Public Administration, Provincial Councils and Local Government.

   It takes responsibilities for work such as assisting to implement the policies pertaining to Human Resources Development and by giving priority in all the activities of Human Resources Development under the powers vested upon the said institute.

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